Thursday, June 22, 2006

What's your net worth?

I was desperately looking for the name of the woman who started the Jimmy Choo luxe shoe business yesterday and so went online to hunt for the elusive name. After a few seconds, Google Search not only spewed out the name (Tamara Mellon), but also this interesting story: Bloggers open up about money matters.

Read the story here.

I love stories and books about financial planning, personal finance, and anything that teaches me how to up my financial intelligence quotient. I devour these kinds of reading matter. I get excited reading about the ways of the frugal millionaire next door and want desperately to be money savvy like them so I can hope to retire early.

But of course, reading about being frugal and actually living like that everyday is not for the weak. And anyway, I don't want to be frugal to the point of excluding all of life's little pleasures, like holidays, the occasional expensive latte, or a lunch or dinner at a nicer place with loved ones or friends during weekends. A balance must be struck, right?

Will write more on this in another post. For now, check out this Net Worth Calculator I found in the course of looking for Ms Mellon's name. This one's real easy to use, with the accounting terms decoded into language we lay people understand. Check it out and see where you stand financially at this point.
Photo credit:

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Strong arm tactics to get a treat

Yesterday midday, the hubby casually mentioned during a phone conversation how he had bumped into a former landlord/casual friend who, after the usual pleasantries, asked him how come the hubby (and by extension, me) never even called him after our wedding to invite him and his wife out for a treat. (The friend said something like 'Hey, how come you never organised something? Surely you could have organised a dinner, at least!)

Say what? Did I hear that correctly?? Did I really hear someone demanding to be fed?

I couldn't believe it! Somebody actually had the gall to chastise us for not treating his ilk to dinner just because we got married!! Now we have to pay 'toll' to him for getting hitched?

Errm, we signed papers to be able to have sex and hope for progeny with the church's blessing, you know. NOT win the lottery!! HELLO!

The scary thing is, his wasn't the first 'demand' for a treat after the wedding!
The hubby's ball mates also prodded him many times to host a drinking party cos he got married. And this from people who never even sent a small note to say, hey, heard you are getting hitched. Congrats! Or something like that. (Ok, the hubby's reacted to this. He said his mates DID send us congratulatory notes on our wedding website. Oops! Sorry babe! My bad.)

(Hmmm, I seem to be typing wEEdings instead of weddings. Could it be that I view weddings as the weeding of unsuitable people from the happening dating scene? Hmmm. Freud, was that a slip?)

Anyway, I am incensed because of these demands! But the hubby, when asked if he was annoyed by it, said no. Why? Because well, it's how it is in their popular culture.

Can't help thinking now that this behviour is so like the Filipino penchant to tease, hint, badger, demand (depending on the time of the day) for a treat from a person celebrating his birthday. I've always thought it was strange that in the Philippines, a person who is celebrating a birthday is the poor shmuck of the day who is pressured and expected to produce the gimmick, the food, the spirits. The person just turned older, for crying out loud! Isn't that a bit sad enough? Wouldn't it make more sense then for friends and family to give the fellow the treat instead? It being his special day and all? (Of course, it's a different story altogether if the birthday boy or girl insists on throwing himself/herself a bash.)

Anyway, I've told the hubby that he is free to give a treat to his entire community if he feels like he should or must do so. But I also told him to please, leave me out of it. As far as I am concerned, I had a reception exactly to make merry after our union and if friends didn't or couldn't make time to attend that, well, then, they sure missed our party, didn't they?


Enuff said.
Photo credit:

Friday, June 16, 2006

My bag's left the US!

I'm tracking the delivery of my weekend hobo online. As of last check, it has left the US! I hope it gets here tomorrow, the weekend! I'm so excited :-)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

On being a soccer widow

With the start of the World Cup 2006 at 00:00 hours last Saturday, my hubby has effectively 'moved out' of our bedroom to camp instead in front of the telly in the living room. He's traded our matrimonial bed for a red divan in the sala where he now sits or slumbers or munches for most part of his time at home while watching the soccer games.

Yes, I have become a soccer widow. During this month when the games are on, I must fend for myself, amuse myself, make do without a coherent chat partner at home. I must not include him in plans that may take him out of his divan during evenings nor expect to get proposals to do something fun during the weekend. The day, after all, is when he catches up on his sleep.

All told, its pretty much like being single again, only this time, I have no TV privileges.

I still don't get though how he can say that he is watching the game when he's dozing most of the time. You know how it is. I catch him dozing and let him be, thinking he needs the rest anyway. Then a long moment later, I go check on him again and find him still dozing. Thinking that he might want a deeper, more refreshing sleep, I wake him up to urge him to move to the bedroom instead. He awakens and looks blearily at me and announces that he will stay where he is, thank you very much, because he is still watching the game.

Watching the game? Who's watching the game? His toes, maybe? Cos he surely wasn't! Is dozing in front of the TV really considered watching the game?

Which reminds me that this isn't my first experience with men slumbering through some game and then refusing to budge when you ask them to relinquish the seat or the remote. My own brother (when he was a boy) grew up practically hogging our only TV for his sports and detective serial viewing.

When we were kids, he and I had a rule about control of the TV for the day. We agreed that whoever got to physically plug-in the set every morning would have control of TV channels for the day. I thought the rule was fair, especially during summers when we got to watch a lot of TV. I thought it would work too since my folks insisted that we unplug the set after every use. So it was just a matter of getting up early every day to plug the set first, right?

Wrong. My brother found a cunning way to gain the upperhand. One summer day, he woke up really early and plugged the set in. Then he just camped in front of the TV -- ate there, slept there, kept it on when he was bathing, whatever. The set could be off but the plug stayed in while he went biking with his friends, played marbles, getting into his many scrapes. The plug was never unplugged for much that summer and many more summers after that. If I unplugged it or if my folks did, he would claim that since he didn't unplug it himself, then it was still his turn at the TV. So practically no chance for me to watch what I wanted!

And yes, even when I'd quietly turn the channel (no remote then) to watch a variety show while he was sleeping soundly, he'd still wake up right then, insist that he was watching his show and promptly turn the channel back.

Now my sympathies go out to my sis-in-law. I sure hope she gets remote control privileges once in while. :-) (And pls don't allow Waji in the future to hog the TV to the displacement of Jela! Cos I swear, if that happens, I'm going to buy her her own huge, kick-ass TV myself!)

Anyway, lets see how this World Cup schedule pans out for the husband. All told, I really have no cause to complain. He's home, he's happy and content. That's all good to me. After all, as he often reminds me, the World Cup comes only every four years.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Bought me a new weekend bag!

Been oogling this bag from Hayden-Harnett for many weeks now. It's a canvas hobo with leather trim and my, I do say it is eye-catching!

I didn't want to rush a purchase, so I just calmed myself and thought I should look at it some weeks later to see if I will still like it then. Well, after many visits to their site and other bag sites, I really still like it!

So what's a bag person to do?!

Ask the girlfriend, of course!

Sent Shahnana (who is back from China) the link to the bag and asked her what she thought of it. (She's in the office while I'm at home.)

She immediately emailed back: 'Its gorgeous!!! Elsie thinks so too! buy! buy!' (Elsie is her fashionably hip colleague.)

That sealed it. When a girlfriend plus a fashionably-hip colleague give their seal of approval, it's a go-go-go!

Here's a pix of my soon to be weekend bag.

It's lovely, right? It channels care-free weekend so well, right?

I don't know about me and hobos lately. I'm just so besotted with the style at the mo. The other contender for purchase is the bag below but it lost out due to price (as usual in my case).

If interested, Bergdorf Goodman is still selling it at US$725.

Thursday, June 8, 2006

The exodus continues

I received word from my good friend Sandra early this week that a fervent prayer of hers had been answered. She's off to Medan, Indonesia, at the end of this month to start work as a grade school teacher in an international school there.

I'm very happy for her but sad too for purely selfish lessons. She's one of my close friends from uni who I always look forward to catching up with whenever I go to Manila. With her in Indonesia for at least 2 years, well, that's one less friend to go home to.

But I really am so happy for her. Really! She's wanted to have her own adventure abroad for quite a time now and finally, it beckons! The perfect time and perfect opportunity has come!

Those Grade 1 kids in the Medan I.S. are sure lucky! Their teacher is going to be one funny, selfless, dedicated, intelligent woman. What's more, they can expect their English and Math foundation to be sound cos my friend has grammar and math whiz combined. And I'm sure I can't emphasized enough how important that is.

Have a great adventure, Sands! I will wait for your visits here in Sing.

While on the topic, two more good friends have also set their minds on leaving Manila and making their way to the US.

K is already in the West Coast sussing out the area while A is getting ready to quit her post early next year to start a new life in the US of A.

Just like Sandra, these two single, beautiful career women in their early 30s are looking forward to a new chapter in their lives. And for them, the world beckons too.

The exodus continues.

Thursday, June 1, 2006


I can't believe its mid-year already! Where did the time go? Not that I'm complaining, of course. Like most Pinoys, the 'ber' months are my favourites and this means it's just a short 3 months to the first ber month - September!!

And to reiterate that we are halfway through the year, the Straits Times today reported on their front page that civil servants will receive a mid-year bonus of half a month's salary plus an additional S$220 in July.

The report quoted the Public Service Division as saying that the higher payout for the 60,000 strong civil service comes on the back of a strong economy. Last year, government employees received a 0.4-month bonus plus S$200 also in July.

Hmm, this is good news in that the company where I work seems to follow (I think) the general trend of the government when determining bonuses, i.e., when the civil service gets an increase in bonus, we also are so blessed at year-end. Of course, this is true only for the across-the-board type of bonuses. The merit bonuses are an entirely different matter altogether. As the name implies, these bonuses depend on how one performed for the year, give or take maybe the number of apples you polished or left to rot during the year. (Yes, apple polishers do get their way sometimes.)

Anyway, back to it being June, I haven't started yet on some items in my to-do list this year!

1. get married
2. learn how to scuba dive
3. go to a new place
4. lose 15 pounds !@^&*#(*(&#%^@
5. read Lee Kuan Yew's memoirs

I must hustle!

Now who wants to learn how to scuba dive with me. :-)