Monday, November 27, 2006


I am so stressed! We are in the midst of apartment hunting and it hasn't been easy to find a good place. It's a landlord's market through and through and rents are up across the board by $600-$800 in the categories and location we are after. And to top it all, there aren't many properties to choose from at the moment too. Ack!

This move will be my third, if ever -- this after 4 years in this current condo. This place is great, location-wise, for me as it is just 8 minutes away from my office in a cab. But this place is a bit out of the way for my relatively new housemate, the hubby, who just has to go to work in the great beyond that is Jurong. And so it is that we are looking for a place that is about halfway to both our places of work.

I initially harboured hopes that our push to live further from central Singapore would redound to rent savings for us! Well, like I said, so NOT! And this house hunting has to happen just before Christmas too! Egads!

Stress, stress. Is there no end to stress this year? Even if this is my supposed year (Dog), I can't wait for it to finish. My toes and fingers are crossed that Dogs will have a better year in 2007, the year of the Red Pig.

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