Friday, March 9, 2007

I just got a link to the above website and well, it's been a fascinating/dreadful read so far. It's a site that basically discourages would-be immigrants from choosing Canada as a place of destination, citing racism and a lack of appropriate jobs for highly skilled, new citizens as the top drawbacks, among others.

It also says that as 'the Government of Canada and Canadian immigration lawyers don't accurately reflect the reality of the country', then the site has 'decided to provide an accurate view of the problems and issues that exist in Canada for immigrants'.

If you know of anyone mulling prospects of moving permanently to Canada (quite a huge group seeing as how every adult Filipino, I think, can count at least one person in his immediate circle who is currently thinking of hightailing it to Canada), get them to check out the site so they know what they may be up against.


Unknown said...

Have you read last Thursday's Straits Times NATAS special?

details here

Joanne said...

Nope. Anything exciting aside from the tempting travel deals?

Anonymous said...

1st hand info from a Pinoy friends who migrated a few years ago and left. Luckily they had other options. Most immigrants don't. They encountered racism, although veiled, and difficulty in procuring a job, although they were infinitely more qualified than their co-workers. It's sad but true. And for a first world country they have an extremely disorganized government system and high quality government services are hard to come by. Plus a number of government workers were rude. On the flip side, other friends say they love it there so it really depends who you talk to.

Joanne said...

I agree, many other immigrants don't have anywhere else to go so they just stay put and endure in silence. I wish they wouldn't stay silent so others can be forewarned about what to expect.