Hi guys! I'm back. :)
First off, here's a shout-out to Rica, Kim and Lester, my 3 faithful readers. Naks!! Yes, 3 lang kayong readers ko. hahaha!!
It's been busy after busy here! Have had a succession of visitors, starting off in May with my paternal relatives, the Lingats, from North Luzon, closely followed by girlfriend Anna Banana.
Anna's vacation, of course, included grooving at St James Power Station with 2 other girlfriends despite protestations from my old, creaking body. It was my first time there and it's a great place to wiggle your bottie if you don't mind doing so while standing on the few square centimetres of space that it takes to plant your heeled feet. It's packed to the rafters, that place! But it was fun though. Towards the end of the gimmick, my feet were aching so much that I just had to slip off my black, patent leather stilletos and dance on bare feet. Haha!
After Anna, our family friend, the Cahoys from Iligan, arrived which meant another round of tour-guide duties at Sentosa and Esplanade. In the heat! :(
Then a little bundle of joy came a-visiting in June! A last-minute approved leave of my sis allowed her and my nephew Juancho to plane in, accompanied by my dad. Oh, what week that was! The tot was all over the house alternately playing with the light switches, the power switches, the used batteries that he unearthed from a cupboard, his toy cars and empty, plastic water bottles. And he ensured too that he made a stamp in every room by puke-ing at least once everywhere in the house. Hehe. Kids! Don't you just love them!
Then it was July and Kathy, another girlfriend, arrived. Just in time too before we left for a week in Hyderabad, India.
India!!! The people we met were lovely, so gracious and hospitable. I was fed vegetarian food, which was good, and I tell you, eating it everyday brought on deep, new, heart-felt realisations about myself such as: that in this lifetime, I am meant to be an omnivore and will never make it as a vegetarian. :)
I'm off to Manila next week for a week. Hope my timing is good and it isn't raining torrents there so I won't have to whip out my rubber boots and raincoat just to be able to get around the drenched metropolis.
Will post pix soon!