I go through this exercise because I want to remember as much as I can about what has transpired in my life. In the daily hustle and bustle of living, it can't be helped that days are sometimes counted and marked out on calenders only as a way to get to a particular date coinciding with work deadlines, the next payday, the next vacation or the next trip home. I tend to do that too, sadly, a habit I'm trying to curb. For who was it that said that life is what happens when you are not looking?
I also reflect to 'look' for moments I may have forgotten or overlooked that should make me ever more grateful for the blessed lot I have been handed. From my stormy growing-up years, through severe insecurity, early tensions and despair over academic difficulties while in college (ack! Engineering! in UP! Don't even ask.), heck, I've come a long way, baby!
So, for giving me material comfort, where there could have easily been dire want, for a life of quiet joy and contentment where there could have been desperation and helplessness, good health where illness instead, love, care, acceptance and friendship where loneliness could have been, I walk around with a grateful heart -- most of the time. (Who doesn't get whiny every once in a while, huh?) And so to stock my heart's armory with big and small instances that inspire gratitude to the Giver on days when I can't help but be difficult, I scour through years gone by for my own ammunition -- countless proof of blessings.
I also have this habit of trying to kill myself trying to remember exactly what I did last year, on this very day. Of course I always get frustrated because I am someone who can't even remember what I did this day last week! I always attempt to start a diary too, to save me the trouble of mental calistenics next year about today's events, but so far, all I have are unused nice notebooks and a few diaries that have barely anything written on them lying about in my bedroom.
Towards this end, let me just say that I remember that on this day in 2005, I had a huge chocolate cake with lots of fluffy white icing from my hubby (then fiance) which we finished eating only after about a month. (Ew! Too huge! And I didn't want to throw it out.) He got me a sexy, red divan too, which he said was to be my throne after a long day at the office, but which became his favourite chair instead until it gave him bad backaches. So now I get to sit there finally. The 18th last year was a Sunday, so we spent the day together in town meandering about.
This year, he got me a smaller cake, a mango torte, a light, yummy creation that is not cloyingly sweet. I reckon this one will be polished off in 2 weeks tops.
I went to work today though, this being the eve of the 2-day IMF and World Bank annual meetings here. So no fancy dinner date. The hubby did come by my office bearing a special takeaway dinner for me and promised a better meal this weekend.
Looking forward, I hope for 3 major things this year: having a baby and going on a proper honeymoon, whichever comes first. And world peace, of course.
Looking forward, I hope for 3 major things this year: having a baby and going on a proper honeymoon, whichever comes first. And world peace, of course.