Friday, August 25, 2006

Off to HK!

I'm off to HK with girlfriends for an impromptu trip. It will just be for the weekend, from early Saturday to late Monday to be exact. I don't have an agenda while there really, will just bum around, hopefully with ad-man extraordinnaire Lester for a while.

The girls I'm travelling with are former HK residents so they know where to eat while in Hong Kong. And I can't wait to have dimsum!

I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it! :)

Photo credit: BLOOMBERG

Friday, August 18, 2006

A case for saving

Whoopeedoo! I have an extra $6,000 in the bank!

No, I didn't win the lottery nor the sweepstakes. A never-known rich uncle didn't die and left me with moolah. And nope, I didn't have to hock my furnitures or my baubles for extra cash either.

The money is from a designed-to-be-forgotten automatic savings programme that I committed to just a little over two years ago. And why is the money out of the savings programme and into my bank, you ask? In my bank where its oh so easy to access via direct debit in stores?

Okay, relax. This post is not a confession about an imminent shopping frenzy. (I haven't done anything remarkable these last few months to merit a shopfest. And I'm not depressed too, my trigger to go crazy.) From the title of this post, you can see that this is my testimony to saving.

Over two years ago, I was whiling my afternoon in Borders here, and as is my wont, I soon found myself with a financial self-help book titled The Automatic Millionnaire by David Bach.(I'm such a sucker for these kinds of books!)

After speed-reading through the book, the author had convinced me that I could save money without hardship if I capitalise on the automation of the ways of today's society by setting up a savings plan that I can forget about. This is done by allowing a bank or a financial institution to deduct a specified sum from my payday account, for example, every month without fail, right on the time when pay is banked in.

By doing this, saving is made automatic -- eliminating the usual excuses to not saving, like the Oh-I-don't-make-enough-to save or the I-just-don't-know-where my-money-goes, to I-forgot-to-transfer-the-money excuses. The rationale is, you won't miss the amount that is not even in the account that you work with every day. The author said this is the practical application of the Pay Yourself First motto of saving, which essentially means that one must pay oneself first (by saving or socking away an amount) before one pays the utility company, the credit card company, the grocery, the car company, etc every month.

And so, I soon called up my insurance agent to ask if they had such an automatic savings/investment plan that I could sign up with. She said yes, they do have it, asked me how much I was keen on saving a month, and voila, a few days later, I actually signed the paperwork for the scheme.

True enough, I soon forgot about the $250 that was deducted from my account every month since then. Until recently, when I remarked to my insurance agent-friend that I was financially gearing up for my first balloon payment in Sept for a condo we are paying for in Manila.

May: 'I think you have enough in your investment plan with me to pay about half of the P500k you are preparing for.'

Me (all agog): 'WHAT?!!! I do?'

May: 'I'm sure. Just do your sums. $250 over more than two years.'

Me: 'It's been two years since then? I can't believe that.'

May: 'Time flies when you're having fun, my friend.'

WOW! And just like that, I have an extra $6,000 in the bank! And it's all going toward an asset too!

Reflecting on this later, I couldn't help but be grateful and awed at the blessings I have been provided. I'm in no measure financially rich, but I have been blessed tremendously and right at the opportune moments too to have more than enough in the pocket to cover all of our requirements. To all these, I say, Thank You, My Lord. All glory and honour be unto You.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Diaspora and YM

I have a date to chat with my grade school/high school friends this Friday, 9pm-ish Manila time. It will involve 7 people located in 6 countries, good old Yahoo Messenger, and hopefully, not much lag time and disconnections.

I haven't seen 4 of these people in a long time. At least not since university. Makes me wonder what we will talk about, who we will talk about, how we can get each of our stories in. Hmm, with a lot of difficulty, I should think. But it can only be fun and I am looking forward to it. Thank God technology now enables people to reconnect this way, on cyberspace.

Of course, chatting online is nowhere near the real thing -- when you sit with good friends and talk and talk over food and wine. But for someone who lives away from old stomping grounds, chatting will have to do. Afterall, it is still time spent with friends, right?

Anyway, when Hannah sent the email to the 6 of us informing us of the chat date and time, she indicated there the participants' locations: NY, CA, UK, HK, and SG, plus Manila, of course.

In a subsequent chat I had with her over the email, I mentioned how sad in a way it was that we were all scattered around the globe now such that the hope of ever meeting up physically together was remote.

And then she said something that's been in my mind for days now. She said, 'It's too bad our country is not well enough to keep us all here.'

Han, that's the lament of most non-resident Filipinos.

If only things worked in Manila, if only there was a decent government in place. If only I could make the living I'm making here there, if only I could feel safe. If only everyone followed rules, if only everyone had fair opportunities to make it in life. If only people respected each other, if only people really cared.

If only.

Then I could come home and live where my heart is.

Thursday, August 3, 2006

The song in my head 2

The song Overkill by Men at Work is lodged in my mind lately, coming soon after I saw Colin Hay of the disbanded Men At Work in an guest star appearance in Scrubs recently.

In the show, he was following JD around, strumming his guitar, singing the very familiar tune. I went online, looked for a video of it in YouTube and voila! here it is. I also resolve to go to HMV this weekend to buy the group's greatest hits album if its available.

80's music. I heart them.

OVERKILL by Men at Work

I can't get to sleep
I think about the implications
Of diving in too deep
And possibly the complications

Especially at night
I worry over situations
I know will be alright
Perhaps its just my imagination

Day after day it reappears
Night after night my heartbeat shows the fear
Ghosts appear and fade away

Alone between the sheets
Only brings exasperation
It's time to walk the streets
Smell the desperation

At least there's pretty lights
And though there's little variation
It nullifies the night
From overkill

Day after day it reappears
Night after night my heartbeat shows the fear
Ghosts appear and fade away

I can't get to sleep
I think about the implications
Of diving in too deep
And possibly the complications

Especially at night
I worry over situations
I know will be alright
It's just overkill

Day after day it reappears
Night after night my heartbeat, shows the fear
Ghosts appear and fade away

Now listen to the acoustic version. It's just superb too!

The song in my head 1: Eraserheads