Had an email from Sitemeter today about this blog and for the first time in a long while, I actually clicked on it to read what it had to tell me.
It said, zero zero zero. Zero activity, zero visits, zero pageviews. Wawa naman this site. Neglected, forgotten, unloved.
And so, I hereby resolve (with fist on heart area) to stop being lazy and just write something here as often as possible. Promise! This journal is more for me than for anyone anyway, a way for me to remember what went down during some of my days on earth. (Naks!) Seriously, I had fun reading my old posts just now! Some entries made me smile, some made me remember other related stories. Thus the resolve to strive on and just keep this going. Wish me luck, yeah?
Last August, I was flipping through the day's newspaper when I read that 80's artists Human League, Belinda Carlisle and Bananarama were to be in town for a concert in Oct. Yours truly got excited and immediately emailed friends in SG to ask who is going? Alas, no one was interested.
Undeterred, I emailed Hannah and Carlo in Manila the link to concert details and half-jokingly asked if they would come to SG for it. I told them coming over will commemorate a similar concert gimmick we three had back in our uni days when we commuted from Diliman to PICC to watch a Battle of the Bands concert that featured our then band-of-the-moment Identity Crisis (remember them? I loved their song My Sanctuary).
Anyway, imagine my surprise and happiness when both Hannah and Carlo said yes to travelling to SG for the concert!!! I thought, wow, what amazing and rich friends I have!! hahaha. That day, I bought 4 tickets agad: for us 3 plus Carlo's wife.
The week of Hannah's travel to SG for the Oct 8 concert, I was asking her if she had heard from Carlo at all re their travel plans. Hannah said she will ask him about it.
A bit later, Hannah messages on YM: J, they aren't coming! He thought the concert was in Manila!
A few days later, Hannah arrived na bearing super yummy Argellanas from Pasteleria Mallorca on my behest. (hehe) We were ready to party despite Carlo's booboo but what to do with the 2 extra tickets?
Carlo by then had said 'mea culpa, will pay for my mistake' and asked me to give said tickets to his friend here instead. The friend initially said he was using them tickets but pulled out 1 hr before the concert start. ACK!! Can this sitch get any more frazzling??
Good thing other friends saved my party of 4 from dwindling down to a party of 2 (plus 2 sayang tickets). A call to Kath and Anna 45 mins to concert time yielded 2 more party people. Thank God for kaladkarin friends, right?! :) Yippee! Time now to get this party started indeed!!
The concert, dubbed Retrolicious 2011, was a blast!! Held at Fort Canning Park, the crowd sang along loudly to 80s anthems Human, Dont You Want Me, Together in Electric Dreams with Human League; I Get Weak, Heaven Is a Place on Earth, Leave a Light On, Mad About You with Belinda Carlisle; and whooped to Venus, Love in the First Degree, I Want You Back, Robert De Niro's Waiting, Cruel Summer, Love Truth and Honesty with Bananarama. Sing Along Fest!!
The crowd was an amazing audience. Everybody was standing, packed together closely in super humid weather and yet they were in the zone: dancing, singing, clapping, reminiscing for sure (like I was) about that time long ago when the songs ruled the airwaves.
It was so great too to watch many groups of women dressed in 80s get-up (mostly ang mohs). Think Madonna during her Like A Virgin days: rags as headband over messy hair; tank top for a first layer and over that, a loose shirt belted at the lower waist; short skirt over leggings; some wearing rolled-down leg warmers; fingerless lace gloves (where can one buy those?? I want!!); lots and lots of plastic necklaces; big hoops for earrings. Seeing them, nostalgia washed over me.
I had a really good time that night, felt thankful and glad too -- for the high school memories and the songs that evoke them, and for the good friends from my youth, Hannah and Kat, who were still dancing gleefully to the tunes of our time beside me.
(Si Anna, panahon ng Beatles ang era non. JOKE! Sige na, Backstreet Boys na nga.)
A woman's random thoughts about Singapore, Manila, work, play and marriage.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Friday, October 23, 2009
Another one of those
Joanne ...oh god
Shanana...yes, god is great
◄i am most blessed by god
◄everyone should give thanks
◄once in a while
◄hows A? (the boss)
◄aka workload
Joanne ...its not THE time yet
SGX is still trading
Shanana...ahh .. ok
◄i want to faint
◄after watching the video azlinda posted of the PA dudes singing
◄goosebumpss.. help
Joanne ...haha
its for hardcores only
Joanne ...smelling salts
Shanana...hey, how do u feel abt macdonalds?
Joanne ...i feel revulsion
Joanne ...why? u thinking of eating it?
Shanana...i told ray abt ur look of disbelief when i told you abt my bowling score.. he said i could be on his team anyday!
Joanne ...thank goodness. or else you wont ever have a willing team
Joanne ...even i can do 70 and I am the worlds worst player.
now i can rest in peace knowing that that isn't true anymore
Shanana...bleh! BLEH! BLEEEEH!!
Joanne ...hey
sorry was talking to someone
are you up already fr fainting?
Shanana ... are you still merajuk with NR?
Joanne ...merajuk?
Shanana ...merajuk: sulk, dowan to talk to her
Shanana ... eh, u wan macdonalds?
Joanne ... no!
Shanana...wet blanket
Joanne ...your diet allows Mackers is it?
Shanana ... no, i can start tomoro
Joanne ...sheesh
Shanana...eh, so u still merajuk with her is it?
Joanne ...why?? why do you asK?
well, she asked me on monday to go upstairs
but i said no cos i really had just come back fr there
thats it so far
Shanana...ok, then
◄coz she asked me
Joanne ...how asked you?
so she knows i was pissed?? you told her??
Shanana...messaged me: sha, i think jo merajuk with me
Joanne ...hahahaha
damn right i am
Shanana...i was chatting with her abt psp
◄so i told her u were disappointed
◄coz of the change in plan
Joanne...u shld have told her HOW disappointed
disappointed isn't even the word i would use
but I've let it go
I cant expect everyone to be solicitious
even if ive tried to be to them myself
you know, she just left it at that you know. There's a term in Filipino for acting like that-- it translates to forsaking everything if one gets an advantage for herself
something like that
oh well
im talking to myself as usual
Shanana...hang on
◄on phone
◄k, let me read ur messages now
◄well, she did ask whether she should have declined her bf's ride, or she should have gone on to meet you at the train station
◄said its for her to answer
◄aargh, on phone again
◄hang on ah
Joanne ...of course its for her to answer! Who else? one hopes only that she doesnt just leave others in a lurch when she decides right???
its just unfortunate, the timing
she changed the plan just as i was stepping out of the house
its a bummer, i got dropped and im pissed
obviously, she made her choices and was happy with it
so thats that
Shanana...thats what i told her, you took it that you were dropped at the last minute for sometjhing that u've been planning the whole week
Joanne ...pity the roadkill but thats that
Shanana...jo, dont let this eat you up
Joanne ...i dont
Shanana...eat at u, i mean
Joanne ...i even forgot about it till you mentioned it
Shanana...only because she asked
i'm going to leave it at that
Joanne ...she should have at least called me up to say, so sorry but. ... then it would have eased my hurt
she didn't, you know, just left it at that. no other sms, no call, nothing.
Shanana...the fact that you're not going to talk to her means u're still harbouring resentment abt this
Joanne ...what do you want me to do sha???
◄skip there and hug her??
Shanana...u're not gonna talk to her if she talks to you?
Joanne ...i did when she msged me on monday, didn't i?
Shanana...ok, so let it go, and let your anger pass
◄nobodys perfect jo
Joanne ...sha, perhaps you shld give this talk to her
it sure as hell isn't me you shld be cajoling to be asking forgiveness
Shanana...i'm not asking you to ask her for forgiveness
in this case, you have every right to be slighted
◄i'm with you there
◄i'm just saying, people have transgressions.. is that teh rite word?
Joanne ...when you have to break a plan with friends, whats a phone call to tell them how sorry you are to break the plan ..... your friends will understand
its different when you just sms and blithely go your way
Shanana...like i said, i'm with you there.. ok, perhaps dissapointed isn't quite the word i should have said
Joanne ...my blood pressure is up
Shanana...i can feel it
◄and i'm beginning to be sorry i started this
◄can u calm down for a second?
Joanne ...you're saved by A (the boss)
her messages have started
Shanana...one part of me says phew, the other part says it's not resolved yet..
◄let's have a chat abt this k? but can u promise not to blow your top on me, pls?
Joanne ...you talk to me after i've had my sashimi lunch
then i will be too stuffed to talk
Shanana...thank god! eh, so this sunday ah?
◄u just listen only
Joanne ...yup
Shanana...no need to talk
Joanne ...you are her PR rep now, is it?
Shanana...it'll be a challenge in itself
◄gotta practice my PR skills rite, in preparation for whatever job i may take i the near future
◄what time we meeting?
◄so excited!!
Joanne ...oh shit
◄i haven't made a reservation
Shanana...i'm gonna exercise in the morn
◄so i can eat lots lots
◄whats it called?
◄ill call them
Joanne ...can you call?
◄tatsuya of goodwood park hotel
◄i call
Joanne ...thanks!
Shanana...1pm can?
Joanne ...sure
Shanana...at the counter?
Joanne ...where counter?
oh i get you
Shanana...in front of chef lah
Joanne ...anywhere with aircon
Shanana...u new to this is it?
Joanne ...they have outdoor sitting too
Shanana...counter shld be indoors
Joanne ...yep
◄counter then
Shanana...set, 1pm
Joanne ...yey
Shanana...we take train there?
Joanne ...can
Shanana...orchard, then we walk down?
Joanne ...yep
Shanana...meet u at 1215 at my station?
Joanne ...ok
◄u busy??
Shanana...facebooking now... so super busy
◄wats up?
Joanne ...hahah
Shanana...wan me to eat ur crackers is it?
Joanne ...u want some??
◄i told you to bring some to your desk
Shanana...no lah, thanks. my colleague bought us snacks
◄wats up?
Joanne ...did i tell you that my 2 ahem people from the past want to be friends in FB?
Shanana...WAHHA!! not baddd!!
say yes lah!!
Joanne ...so funny cos they both sent the invite on the same week!! SAME WEEK!
Shanana...i think they conspired
Joanne ...i think so
Shanana...they know each other?
Joanne ...i just felt my heart flutter a bit when it happened
and u weren't around to see me fly to the moon abt it
Shanana...hehe!! thats a nice feelin to hve
Shanana...now, i can share and understand and feel some of that joy u feel
Joanne ...and i told them both separately of course
Shanana...coz i'm in lurvee,,
◄u copy and pasted?
Joanne ...that i have this newly instituted No-ex rule on FB
◄what a lousy excuse? how old are you? 15???
Joanne ...i know!!!!
◄but im fat!!!! hahahaha
Joanne ... hahahahahahha
Shanana...u're nuts!
Joanne ...matter of pride my dear
Shanana...so what was their reply?
◄what what???
Joanne ...AT (otherwise known as the Boss...story in
6:08:44 PM◄story in
6:09:18 PMJoanne ...ok
6:31:04 PM◄especially since ERIC is looking good
6:31:13 PM◄ok, scratch that
6:31:14 PM◄hahahha
6:31:18 PM◄meant for sha
6:31:19 PM◄hahahhahaha
6:31:24 PM AT...hmmm who is eric??!!
6:31:33 PM Joanne ...hahahahahhahahahha
6:31:43 PM◄TV show lah
6:31:45 PM◄hahahhaha
6:31:47 PM◄Gossip Girl
6:32:08 PM AT...ah. i watched season 1 of that until i returned mio.
6:32:32 PMJoanne ...its my secret guilty pleasure
6:32:40 PM◄its meant for teens but i like it anyway
6:33:11 PM AT...yes, it is quite good. i love the guys actually.
6:33:50 PMJoanne ...yes!! I like the Dan humprey character. He is a goody goody boy.
6:34:23 PM AT...if u like the look, then u shd watch twilight, if u haven't done so.
6:34:41 PMJoanne ...OH MY GOSH, A!
6:34:49 PM◄i finished the books and I LOVE IT!
6:35:00 PM AT...dvd better
6:35:07 PMJoanne ...i have the DVD too
6:35:17 PM◄yes, it is SOO GOOD
6:35:43 PM◄im looking forward to the second movie
6:35:45 PM AT...second installment coming next yr.
6:36:42 PMJoanne ...This dec lah, not next year!
6:37:12 PM AT...oh.
6:37:35 PMJoanne ...hahaha. im a crazed fan, is why in know.
◄help!! what is the world coming to???
Joanne ...hahahahha. congratulate me on my quick thinking pls
Shanana...yes, congrats!!!
Joanne ...and btw, there IS an eric character in Gossip Girls
i mean Gossip Girl
there is only one gossip girl
Shanana...yes, apparently so
Joanne ...im regressive sha
im liking teen stuff nowadays
Shanana...in more ways than one
Joanne ...i think you really should mercy-kill me now
Joanne ...oh god
Shanana...yes, god is great
◄i am most blessed by god
◄everyone should give thanks
◄once in a while
◄hows A? (the boss)
◄aka workload
Joanne ...its not THE time yet
SGX is still trading
Shanana...ahh .. ok
◄i want to faint
◄after watching the video azlinda posted of the PA dudes singing
◄goosebumpss.. help
Joanne ...haha
its for hardcores only
Joanne ...smelling salts
Shanana...hey, how do u feel abt macdonalds?
Joanne ...i feel revulsion
Joanne ...why? u thinking of eating it?
Shanana...i told ray abt ur look of disbelief when i told you abt my bowling score.. he said i could be on his team anyday!
Joanne ...thank goodness. or else you wont ever have a willing team
Joanne ...even i can do 70 and I am the worlds worst player.
now i can rest in peace knowing that that isn't true anymore
Shanana...bleh! BLEH! BLEEEEH!!
Joanne ...hey
sorry was talking to someone
are you up already fr fainting?
Shanana ... are you still merajuk with NR?
Joanne ...merajuk?
Shanana ...merajuk: sulk, dowan to talk to her
Shanana ... eh, u wan macdonalds?
Joanne ... no!
Shanana...wet blanket
Joanne ...your diet allows Mackers is it?
Shanana ... no, i can start tomoro
Joanne ...sheesh
Shanana...eh, so u still merajuk with her is it?
Joanne ...why?? why do you asK?
well, she asked me on monday to go upstairs
but i said no cos i really had just come back fr there
thats it so far
Shanana...ok, then
◄coz she asked me
Joanne ...how asked you?
so she knows i was pissed?? you told her??
Shanana...messaged me: sha, i think jo merajuk with me
Joanne ...hahahaha
damn right i am
Shanana...i was chatting with her abt psp
◄so i told her u were disappointed
◄coz of the change in plan
Joanne...u shld have told her HOW disappointed
disappointed isn't even the word i would use
but I've let it go
I cant expect everyone to be solicitious
even if ive tried to be to them myself
you know, she just left it at that you know. There's a term in Filipino for acting like that-- it translates to forsaking everything if one gets an advantage for herself
something like that
oh well
im talking to myself as usual
Shanana...hang on
◄on phone
◄k, let me read ur messages now
◄well, she did ask whether she should have declined her bf's ride, or she should have gone on to meet you at the train station
◄said its for her to answer
◄aargh, on phone again
◄hang on ah
Joanne ...of course its for her to answer! Who else? one hopes only that she doesnt just leave others in a lurch when she decides right???
its just unfortunate, the timing
she changed the plan just as i was stepping out of the house
its a bummer, i got dropped and im pissed
obviously, she made her choices and was happy with it
so thats that
Shanana...thats what i told her, you took it that you were dropped at the last minute for sometjhing that u've been planning the whole week
Joanne ...pity the roadkill but thats that
Shanana...jo, dont let this eat you up
Joanne ...i dont
Shanana...eat at u, i mean
Joanne ...i even forgot about it till you mentioned it
Shanana...only because she asked
i'm going to leave it at that
Joanne ...she should have at least called me up to say, so sorry but. ... then it would have eased my hurt
she didn't, you know, just left it at that. no other sms, no call, nothing.
Shanana...the fact that you're not going to talk to her means u're still harbouring resentment abt this
Joanne ...what do you want me to do sha???
◄skip there and hug her??
Shanana...u're not gonna talk to her if she talks to you?
Joanne ...i did when she msged me on monday, didn't i?
Shanana...ok, so let it go, and let your anger pass
◄nobodys perfect jo
Joanne ...sha, perhaps you shld give this talk to her
it sure as hell isn't me you shld be cajoling to be asking forgiveness
Shanana...i'm not asking you to ask her for forgiveness
in this case, you have every right to be slighted
◄i'm with you there
◄i'm just saying, people have transgressions.. is that teh rite word?
Joanne ...when you have to break a plan with friends, whats a phone call to tell them how sorry you are to break the plan ..... your friends will understand
its different when you just sms and blithely go your way
Shanana...like i said, i'm with you there.. ok, perhaps dissapointed isn't quite the word i should have said
Joanne ...my blood pressure is up
Shanana...i can feel it
◄and i'm beginning to be sorry i started this
◄can u calm down for a second?
Joanne ...you're saved by A (the boss)
her messages have started
Shanana...one part of me says phew, the other part says it's not resolved yet..
◄let's have a chat abt this k? but can u promise not to blow your top on me, pls?
Joanne ...you talk to me after i've had my sashimi lunch
then i will be too stuffed to talk
Shanana...thank god! eh, so this sunday ah?
◄u just listen only
Joanne ...yup
Shanana...no need to talk
Joanne ...you are her PR rep now, is it?
Shanana...it'll be a challenge in itself
◄gotta practice my PR skills rite, in preparation for whatever job i may take i the near future
◄what time we meeting?
◄so excited!!
Joanne ...oh shit
◄i haven't made a reservation
Shanana...i'm gonna exercise in the morn
◄so i can eat lots lots
◄whats it called?
◄ill call them
Joanne ...can you call?
◄tatsuya of goodwood park hotel
◄i call
Joanne ...thanks!
Shanana...1pm can?
Joanne ...sure
Shanana...at the counter?
Joanne ...where counter?
oh i get you
Shanana...in front of chef lah
Joanne ...anywhere with aircon
Shanana...u new to this is it?
Joanne ...they have outdoor sitting too
Shanana...counter shld be indoors
Joanne ...yep
◄counter then
Shanana...set, 1pm
Joanne ...yey
Shanana...we take train there?
Joanne ...can
Shanana...orchard, then we walk down?
Joanne ...yep
Shanana...meet u at 1215 at my station?
Joanne ...ok
◄u busy??
Shanana...facebooking now... so super busy
◄wats up?
Joanne ...hahah
Shanana...wan me to eat ur crackers is it?
Joanne ...u want some??
◄i told you to bring some to your desk
Shanana...no lah, thanks. my colleague bought us snacks
◄wats up?
Joanne ...did i tell you that my 2 ahem people from the past want to be friends in FB?
Shanana...WAHHA!! not baddd!!
say yes lah!!
Joanne ...so funny cos they both sent the invite on the same week!! SAME WEEK!
Shanana...i think they conspired
Joanne ...i think so
Shanana...they know each other?
Joanne ...i just felt my heart flutter a bit when it happened
and u weren't around to see me fly to the moon abt it
Shanana...hehe!! thats a nice feelin to hve
Shanana...now, i can share and understand and feel some of that joy u feel
Joanne ...and i told them both separately of course
Shanana...coz i'm in lurvee,,
◄u copy and pasted?
Joanne ...that i have this newly instituted No-ex rule on FB
◄what a lousy excuse? how old are you? 15???
Joanne ...i know!!!!
◄but im fat!!!! hahahaha
Joanne ... hahahahahahha
Shanana...u're nuts!
Joanne ...matter of pride my dear
Shanana...so what was their reply?
◄what what???
Joanne ...AT (otherwise known as the Boss...story in
6:08:44 PM◄story in
6:09:18 PMJoanne ...ok
6:31:04 PM◄especially since ERIC is looking good
6:31:13 PM◄ok, scratch that
6:31:14 PM◄hahahha
6:31:18 PM◄meant for sha
6:31:19 PM◄hahahhahaha
6:31:24 PM AT...hmmm who is eric??!!
6:31:33 PM Joanne ...hahahahahhahahahha
6:31:43 PM◄TV show lah
6:31:45 PM◄hahahhaha
6:31:47 PM◄Gossip Girl
6:32:08 PM AT...ah. i watched season 1 of that until i returned mio.
6:32:32 PMJoanne ...its my secret guilty pleasure
6:32:40 PM◄its meant for teens but i like it anyway
6:33:11 PM AT...yes, it is quite good. i love the guys actually.
6:33:50 PMJoanne ...yes!! I like the Dan humprey character. He is a goody goody boy.
6:34:23 PM AT...if u like the look, then u shd watch twilight, if u haven't done so.
6:34:41 PMJoanne ...OH MY GOSH, A!
6:34:49 PM◄i finished the books and I LOVE IT!
6:35:00 PM AT...dvd better
6:35:07 PMJoanne ...i have the DVD too
6:35:17 PM◄yes, it is SOO GOOD
6:35:43 PM◄im looking forward to the second movie
6:35:45 PM AT...second installment coming next yr.
6:36:42 PMJoanne ...This dec lah, not next year!
6:37:12 PM AT...oh.
6:37:35 PMJoanne ...hahaha. im a crazed fan, is why in know.
◄help!! what is the world coming to???
Joanne ...hahahahha. congratulate me on my quick thinking pls
Shanana...yes, congrats!!!
Joanne ...and btw, there IS an eric character in Gossip Girls
i mean Gossip Girl
there is only one gossip girl
Shanana...yes, apparently so
Joanne ...im regressive sha
im liking teen stuff nowadays
Shanana...in more ways than one
Joanne ...i think you really should mercy-kill me now
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Interrupting the silence
Went to LP today after my haircut at Xpect and couldn't help but buy some munchies.

We are going to Phuket tomorrow, Wednesday, so had some SGD changed to bhat and USD too. I'm bringing an Ayn Rand book, The Fountainhead, to read at the beach, under lots of shade preferably. It's the monsoon season over there -- big, not-meant-for-swimming waters and showers in the afternoon -- but we aint exactly going to frolic in the water anyway, so it should be good still.
This is the hubby's surprise birthday mini-break for me. Tradition, he says. I hope this time around, we actually get to go to Phi-phi island and Phang Nga Bay.
We will be back on Sat, God-willing, with pictures of the place to post hopefully.

We are going to Phuket tomorrow, Wednesday, so had some SGD changed to bhat and USD too. I'm bringing an Ayn Rand book, The Fountainhead, to read at the beach, under lots of shade preferably. It's the monsoon season over there -- big, not-meant-for-swimming waters and showers in the afternoon -- but we aint exactly going to frolic in the water anyway, so it should be good still.
This is the hubby's surprise birthday mini-break for me. Tradition, he says. I hope this time around, we actually get to go to Phi-phi island and Phang Nga Bay.
We will be back on Sat, God-willing, with pictures of the place to post hopefully.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Back, sorta
Ok ok, I know I said I will write, yet never did. Between Facebook, YouTube, The Chocolatier online game, work, badminton, yoga and the trips to Manila, I've been busy. ;)
I was in Manila for a week in Feb. Ask me why, quick!
To pay my property tax for the South of Market condo, would you believe? Yep, I went voluntarily to be 'held up' by the Taguig govt to the tune of Php14k. For a studio apartment, 14k in tax is so high! My friend who owns a house and lot in QC was assessed so much less for her place, about Php5k if I remember. So grrr grrr grrr. Taguig sure has upped the property tax rates of the Boni Global City area. I read that it is now pegged to Makati property tax rates, so there's no way to go but broke in that area.
Anyway, after that business with the city hall, I had a great break in Manila. I stayed in the condo this trip, met friends for lunches and dinners over at Boni Hi St and rushed home at night to watch Seasons 1 and 2 of Gossip Girl. I didn't dilly dally with the GG watching knowing that I couldn't bring the pirated disks with me back to Sing, so had to double-up on that or risk not knowing how the season ended.
All in, got to break bread with Hannah, Rachel, Mard, Jopie, the SMC gang, Wena and Monica; got to go to the spa with Hannah one time and another time with my family (Net and Joan); got to finally go to the Salcedo weekend market with Mard, Mishka and Hannah, rode in our MRT for the first at the urging of Monica (while carrying my Balenciaga, que horror! Good thing it wasn't crowded) and got to cheer for my nephew Waji during his singing finals at San Agustin.
Great trip, all around. I can't wait for the next one. :)
After that trip, its been work, work, work here in SG. See, I would normally have prefaced that part about 'work' there with the words argghh, boring, argghh. BUT we live in interesting times, as you know. Work nowadays is PRECIOUS! Work is good, work is your friend, work is something many people are losing all over the world and so must be treasured by those who still have one.
Singapore is in a recession, joblessness is up, lay-offs are common, so are 4-day weeks. Paycuts are here too and yours truly has been hit! Yes, hit! Argh!
Company said it's still profitable (then why cut!?) BUT to 'brace for a possible protracted difficult period', they allowed pay cuts of between 2 and 10% depending on salary level. Jaws ko!
But I ain't complaining (sige na nga). Juxtaposed beside the threat of being jobless in this environment, the pay cut is nothing really but an early call to simplify life a bit, trim out some frivolities and fluff.
C'est la vie.
I was in Manila for a week in Feb. Ask me why, quick!
To pay my property tax for the South of Market condo, would you believe? Yep, I went voluntarily to be 'held up' by the Taguig govt to the tune of Php14k. For a studio apartment, 14k in tax is so high! My friend who owns a house and lot in QC was assessed so much less for her place, about Php5k if I remember. So grrr grrr grrr. Taguig sure has upped the property tax rates of the Boni Global City area. I read that it is now pegged to Makati property tax rates, so there's no way to go but broke in that area.
Anyway, after that business with the city hall, I had a great break in Manila. I stayed in the condo this trip, met friends for lunches and dinners over at Boni Hi St and rushed home at night to watch Seasons 1 and 2 of Gossip Girl. I didn't dilly dally with the GG watching knowing that I couldn't bring the pirated disks with me back to Sing, so had to double-up on that or risk not knowing how the season ended.
All in, got to break bread with Hannah, Rachel, Mard, Jopie, the SMC gang, Wena and Monica; got to go to the spa with Hannah one time and another time with my family (Net and Joan); got to finally go to the Salcedo weekend market with Mard, Mishka and Hannah, rode in our MRT for the first at the urging of Monica (while carrying my Balenciaga, que horror! Good thing it wasn't crowded) and got to cheer for my nephew Waji during his singing finals at San Agustin.
Great trip, all around. I can't wait for the next one. :)
After that trip, its been work, work, work here in SG. See, I would normally have prefaced that part about 'work' there with the words argghh, boring, argghh. BUT we live in interesting times, as you know. Work nowadays is PRECIOUS! Work is good, work is your friend, work is something many people are losing all over the world and so must be treasured by those who still have one.
Singapore is in a recession, joblessness is up, lay-offs are common, so are 4-day weeks. Paycuts are here too and yours truly has been hit! Yes, hit! Argh!
Company said it's still profitable (then why cut!?) BUT to 'brace for a possible protracted difficult period', they allowed pay cuts of between 2 and 10% depending on salary level. Jaws ko!
But I ain't complaining (sige na nga). Juxtaposed beside the threat of being jobless in this environment, the pay cut is nothing really but an early call to simplify life a bit, trim out some frivolities and fluff.
C'est la vie.
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